Life Groups
LIFEgroups are our small group ministry within the church. It is our desire that, in addition to meeting corporately on Sunday mornings, we would also meet in smaller groups to pray with and for one another, study with one another, care for one another, and enjoy one another.
Danny Wright: Danny@greenvillegrace.org or 937-547-0065
Our Outreach Team supports several ministries locally and abroad. The Nilsens have moved their ministry from the Dominican Republic to Alabama, and Rachel Knight continues to serve three southern Darke County schools through Youth for Christ. The Outreach Team also impacts youth through support of local Headstart program and the growth and development of VBS.
Michael Coate: mcoateii@aol.com, 937-547-0065

Elevate Student Ministry
Elevate Student Ministry is on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm year-round and is for youth in Jr. High and High School (7th-12th grade). The name Elevate is taken from 1 Corinthians 10:31, which says, “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” The desire for our youth ministry is that every aspect of it would point teenagers to first come to know this glorious God and next to seek to glorify Him in every aspect of their lives.
Ben Akers: Ben@greenvillegrace.org or 636-328-7760.
Nursery is available for our Sunday morning services for ages 0-3. There is also childcare during some of our special services throughout the year.
Email: nursery@greenvillegrace.org
Call: 937-547-0065.

Children's Church
Our desire at Grace is that our kids are learning the same truths from God’s Word that the adults learn on a Sunday morning. We hope that parents will use this unique opportunity to instruct and follow up with their kids and that they will play an active role in leading their child to Christ and discipline them in the basic truths of the faith. During the Children’s Church time, the children have a lesson time where the teacher uses practical examples to help simplify the text and engage the kids in learning biblical truth. Children's Church is for kids 4 yrs- 6th grade.
Krista Stump: gracekids@greenvillegrace.org or 937-423-1919
Women's Ministries
Women’s ministries seek to serve the needs of the women of Grace Church and encourage growth to spiritual maturity in Christ through study of Scripture and fellowship with other women. We offer 2-3 sessions of women’s studies and bible studies during the year.
Janie Reifsnider: office@greenvillegrace.org or 937-547-0065

Grace Cares
For March Grace Cares we will be helping the Saunders Family with a meal train, supplies, or bandage changes.

Grace MOMS
Our goal is to serve moms who are expecting or who have children of all ages by encouraging one another to bring greater glory to God as wives, mothers, friends, and disciples of Christ. Our meetings are the first Wednesday of every month, October to May, unless otherwise noted.
Paige Yost 937-646-8557 or paigenyost@gmail.com
Kendra Brubaker 937-467-3252 or kendrabrubaker.14@gmail.com
Church office 937-547-0065

Grace Marriage
Grace Marriage aims to provide a proactive approach to assess, engage, and grow marriages of all stages. Groups meet quarterly for a 4-hour wellness session where they are equipped to apply biblical principals while setting goals to take their marriages to the next level of intimacy and joy.
Ben Akers: Ben@greenvillegrace.org or